Change Your Life Today

The Program For Over-Achievers



Change Your Life Today

The Program For Over-Achievers



In A World Filled With Gurus And Self-Help Programs Telling Us HOW We Should Live Our Lives And What We Should Do...Rarely Do We Get The Answers On HOW To Accomplish Those Suggestions... That Is About To Change With The Over Achievers Club Created As The EXCLUSIVE MILLIONAIRES CLUB. 

A Weekly Gathering Like No Other! World-Class Experts Will Share Proven Time-Tested Principles Of What It Takes To Expand Our Lives And Business And HOW To Actually Accomplish Them! 

Here Is How It Will Work For You: We gather weekly in a virtual setting with individuals of like experiences and GROWTH minded. We meet 4 times per year (once per quarter) in person for a live Yummy Networking experience. World Authorities will present the action steps toward three categories.

More Important...Imagine Sharing Rum cake and libations With A Billionaire And Talking Business Ideas And Solutions With Folks Who Have Created Multi-Billion-Dollar Brands. This Membership is for YOU!

This Is All About YOU! It's about giving you the same contacts and connections when necessary that successful people use to excel in their businesses and life!This isn’t where you are going to see famous faces and a long-winded sales pitch. NOT going to happen. Will there be millionaires and people who started billion-dollar industries stopping by? Absolutely! Can you get 1-1 access to them while they are here? Of course!

Our Speakers Will Be People That Would Take Years To Gain Access To... However, You Will Have VIP Contact With Each And Every One Of Them. During the live events with us, you’ll have direct access to the minds and wisdom of a group of experts with a combined net worth of billions of dollars, all in one place, at one time, to grow your life and business. When the gathering is over, you will be armed with the most modern, updated content and deliverables available in the marketplace.Apply Today – Start Overachieving Tomorrow!


Take your business to the next level with elite revenue growth techniques, including branding and marketing as well as the number 1 way to scale and increase your bottom line.


Health is the most important foundation for growing wealth in all areas of your life - from your mental wellness to the balance and performance of your business. Every high-performance executive and entrepreneur highly values their wellness.


At the very core of everything you cerate in your life and business lies the anchor to everything: your mindset. Learn the number 1 way to create a rock-solid mindset that will get you on the path of growth that never stops.


Your personal brand is how you are perceived by the masses and is one of the most important aspects of your business. Learn how to create a distinctive, memorable brand that creates anticipation.

What Are Milli Club Members Saying About Their Experience?

Martin Salama - Life Coach

The & Dr. Obom Milli Club Took Me From A Lack to An Abundance Mindset!

Russ Ward - Marketer

$12k Cash Collected Within Two Weeks of Joining Milli Club!

Chandler Thomas - Digital Marketer

I'm So Excited To Be Part Of The Milli Club Family!

Behind The Scenes At The OB Mastermind

Milli Club Members Get Exclusive Access To The Outcomes & Breakthroughs Mastermind

Martin Salama - Life Coach

The & Dr. Obom Milli Club Took Me From A Lack to An Abundance Mindset!

Russ Ward - Marketer

$12k Cash Collected Within Two Weeks of Joining Milli Club!

Chandler Thomas - Digital Marketer

I'm So Excited To Be Part Of The Milli Club Family!

Behind The Scenes At The OB Mastermind

Milli Club Members Get Exclusive Access To The Outcomes & Breakthroughs Mastermind

So What Are You Waiting For?


Fill out your information below to get started

You have now made it to the no-brainer section on this ridiculous offer of our membership! 

If all that we have offered so far was not enough then this is where WE ask you to pay close attention. This last piece is the no-brainer 🧠😂 and worth the price of membership the itself.

First, here is Dr. Obom's definition of a no-brainer, a no brainer is:

💁‍♂️If we were to medically take a scalpel and cut open your skull 💀(first is all gross 🤣)

💁‍♂️Take out your brain and place it on the floor 

💁‍♂️Then close your skull. This last PIECE would still make sense 🤣

So What Are You Waiting For?


Fill out your information below to get started

YOUR INFOYour Contact Information
PAYMENTBilling Info


  • Weekly Vacation Raffle

  • ​Free Business Assessment

  • 2 Free 1-Day Live Events Per Year

  • ​Weekly Training Zoom

  • ​Weekly Networking and Q&A Zoom

  • ​Free Pitch Deck & Execution Training 

“Before Obom, I treated my businesses like hobbies. Once he came into the picture, I got into the mindset of ‘I am my brand and my brand is my business’. The biggest changes were moreso than selling a product, I'm selling myself as the service.

The biggest thing as a coach is hes always continuing to grow himself, whereas other coaches I’ve been with, I’ve always outgrown my coaches. With Obom no matter what stage I’m at and where I go to next I know I can always go to him and he will always be 5 steps ahead.

The benefit of the team is structure. Structure and the processes that are being put together, which is different than others.

I can't put a cost on what it was for Afiya to sit down with me and lay the groundwork for the S.W.A.G. course and I use the pieces to create individual talks to this day. Thats golden!

As I've always said, the one big thing about the OB mastermind experience is that you’ll never experience the same thing twice.

" - Veney Cochran


  • Weekly Vacation Raffle

  • ​Free Business Assessment

  • 2 Free 1-Day Live Events Per Year

  • ​Weekly Training Zoom

  • ​Weekly Networking and Q&A Zoom

  • ​Free Pitch Deck & Execution Training 

“Before Obom, I treated my businesses like hobbies. Once he came into the picture, I got into the mindset of ‘I am my brand and my brand is my business’. The biggest changes were moreso than selling a product, I'm selling myself as the service.

The biggest thing as a coach is hes always continuing to grow himself, whereas other coaches I’ve been with, I’ve always outgrown my coaches. With Obom no matter what stage I’m at and where I go to next I know I can always go to him and he will always be 5 steps ahead.

The benefit of the team is structure. Structure and the processes that are being put together, which is different than others.

I can't put a cost on what it was for Afiya to sit down with me and lay the groundwork for the S.W.A.G. course and I use the pieces to create individual talks to this day. Thats golden!

As I've always said, the one big thing about the OB mastermind experience is that you’ll never experience the same thing twice.

" - Veney Cochran

You're 100% Safe & Protected. Your Information Is Secured Using The World's Best Technology. The Same Technology You Would Find At Your Local Bank. 

DISCLAIMER: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. UNDERDOG MILLIONAIRE DOES NOT OFFER REFUNDS OR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEES. You recognize and agree that you shall not be entitled to a refund for any purchase under any circumstances after 7 days. For our monthly plan you shall have your subscription stop if at any time you decide to leave the Mili Club Membership Community.

UNDERDOG MILLIONAIRE  © 2023. All Rights Reserved